Trenbolone is the best steroid for maintaining and adding quality muscle mass.

Trenbolone is a 19-nor steroid and is derived from the compound nandrolone. The difference between it and nandrolone are the c9 and c11 double bonds. The c9-10 double bond is the reason that trenbolone has no estrogenic activity. This bond is necessary for the aromatization of the A ring to be possible and by occupying this bond, no aromatization can occur.

Trenbolone can affect muscle growth in several different ways, making it one of the best compounds for both maintaining and adding quality muscle mass. First, trenbolone can greatly increases the level of IGF-1 within muscle tissue. It also causes muscle satellite cells, those responsible for repairing damaged muscle fibers, to be more sensitive to IGF-1 and other growth factors. The amount of DNA per muscle cell may also be significantly increased by using trenbolone1 .

Trenbolone has an extremely strong binding affinity for the androgen receptor as well, even surpassing that of testosterone. This of course supports the assertion that trenbolone is extremely anabolic as by binding to the androgen receptor a compound is able to activate the anabolic mechanisms that are dependent upon the androgen receptor, one of the many ways that anabolic steroids aid muscle growth. Like most other anabolic steroids, trenbolone also increases nitrogen retention in muscle tissue. However a rather unique characteristic of the drug is its anti-catabolic abilities. Trenbolone binds with the receptors that interact with glucocorticoid hormones, these being catabolic hormones3 . By being able to inhibit cortisol and some other catabolic hormones in the body trenbolone is ideal for those users that are attempting to reduce body fat as the compound will help to minimize muscle wasting when running a calorie deficit.

Like other steroids that are extremely androgenic, trenbolone offers several advantages for a user. First, due to the androgenic nature of the drug a user can expect a large increase in their strength. This makes the compound extremely popular with strength athletes. However bodybuilders looking to reduce their body fat also find that trenbolone can help them achieve their goals as well. This ability to help in the reduction of body fat stems from the drug’s affinity for binding to the androgen receptors. These androgen receptors are located in, among other places, fat cells. When these androgens bind to the androgen receptors they can affect these cells and increase fat-burning. When this is combined with the fact that trenbolone has a cortisol reducing effect along with the ability to bind to the glucocorticoid receptor, it can be understood why this compound is so highly touted for dieting and the reduction of body fat4 .

As for the ester of trenbolone acetate, acetate is a relatively short-chain ester. It has an active life of two to three days. Ideally a user would use daily injections to keep blood levels of the compound fairly stable, however injections every other day will suffice. The acetate ester provides a rapid and high concentration of the hormone which is beneficial to those seeking quick gains, and coupled with a rapid clearing time the acetate ester can be discontinued on the onset of adverse side effects without having to wait days or even weeks for it’s effects to diminish.

Dosages for users are highly dependent on how they react individually to the compound. Many users anecdotally report that side effects are minimal if doses are kept at certain levels but can turn rather harsh if doses are increased even slightly. For this reason it is important that inexperienced users start with low doses of the compound to judge their reaction to it. 50mgs per day is often cited as the standard starting point for most. However doses even lower than this, such as 75mgs every other day, are used by some with good results.


What Is Testosterone?

Testosterone is a hormone that is produced primarily in the testicles for men and the ovaries and adrenal glands for women. This hormone is essential to the development of male growth and masculine characteristics. For women, testosterone comes in much smaller amounts. Testosterone production increases about 30 times more during adolescence and early adulthood. After early adulthood, it’s natural for levels to drop slightly each year. Your body may see a one percent decline after you’re 30 years old.

Testosterone plays a key role in your: muscle mass and bones; facial and pubic hair; body’s development of deeper voices; sex drive; mood and quality of life; verbal memory and thinking ability

See your doctor if you’re concerned about low testosterone. Because it’s natural to have low testosterone as you age, some symptoms such as decreased muscle mass, increased body fat, or erectile dysfunction may be a sign of other conditions.

You may be interested in boosting your testosterone levels if your doctor says you have low levels, or hypogonadism, or need testosterone replacement therapy for other conditions. If you have normal testosterone levels, increasing your testosterone levels may not give any additional benefits. The increased benefits mentioned below have only been researched in people with low testosterone levels.

Testosterone is responsible for increased muscle mass. Leaner body mass helps control weight and increases energy. For men with low testosterone, studies show that treatment can decrease fat mass and increase muscle size and strength. Some men reported a change in lean body mass but no increase in strength. It’s likely you’ll see the most benefits when you combine testosterone therapy with strength training and exercise.

Testosterone plays a huge role in bone mineral density. Bone density decreases as men age and testosterone levels drop. This raises the risk of weak bones and osteoporosis. Strong bones help support your muscles and internal organs, which can boost athletic performance.

Testosterone levels naturally rise in response to sexual arousal and activity. Men with higher levels of testosterone usually have greater sexual activity. Older men need more testosterone for libido and erectile function. But it’s important to note that erectile dysfunction is often due to other conditions or medications rather than low testosterone levels.

There are also many benefits related with testosterone. Anyway, it plays an important role in no matter for men or women. If you feel some symptoms like caused by abnormal testosterone levels, you should go to see your doctor and treat as soon as possible.

What Are The Benefits Of Increasing Your Testosterone Levels?

Testosterone is a hormone that is produced primarily in the testicles for men and the ovaries and adrenal glands for women. This hormone is essential to the development of male growth and masculine characteristics. For women, testosterone comes in much smaller amounts. Testosterone production increases about 30 times more during adolescence and early adulthood. After early adulthood, it’s natural for levels to drop slightly each year. Your body may see a one percent decline after you’re 30 years old.

1. Healthy heart and blood

A healthy heart pumps blood to the rest of the body, providing muscles and organs with the oxygen needed for peak performance. Testosterone helps red blood cell production through the bone marrow. Low testosterone levels are linked to a variety of cardiovascular risks.

2. Less fat, more muscle

Testosterone is responsible for increased muscle mass. Leaner body mass helps control weight and increases energy. For men with low testosterone, studies show that treatment can decrease fat mass and increase muscle size and strength. Some men reported a change in lean body mass but no increase in strength. It’s likely you’ll see the most benefits when you combine testosterone therapy with strength training and exercise.

3. Stronger bones

Testosterone plays a huge role in bone mineral density. Bone density decreases as men age and testosterone levels drop. This raises the risk of weak bones and osteoporosis. Strong bones help support your muscles and internal organs, which can boost athletic performance.

4. Better verbal memory, spatial abilities, or mathematical reasoning

Research shows that men with higher ratios of total testosterone have a reduced incidence of Alzheimer’s disease. There’s also evidence for a strong correlation between testosterone and thinking abilities such as verbal memory and faster processing speed. Testosterone treatment for men 34 to 70 years old has shown an improvement in spatial memory.

5. Better libido

Testosterone levels naturally rise in response to sexual arousal and activity. Men with higher levels of testosterone usually have greater sexual activity. Older men need more testosterone for libido and erectile function. But it’s important to note that erectile dysfunction is often due to other conditions or medications rather than low testosterone levels.



Anadrol- One Of The Best Steroids For Bigger Gains

Oxymetholone (brand names Anadrol, Anapolon, others) is a synthetic, orally active anabolic-androgenic steroid and 17α-methylated derivative of dihydrotestosterone that is marketed in the United States, Europe, and elsewhere in the world. It was first described in a 1959 paper by scientists from Syntex. Its primary clinical applications include treatment of osteoporosis and anaemia, as well as stimulating muscle growth in malnourished or underdeveloped patients. The drug was approved for human use by the FDA. Later, non-steroidal drugs such as epoetin alfa were developed and proven to be more effective as a treatment for anaemia and osteoporosis without the side effects of oxymetholone. The drug remained available despite this and eventually found a new use in treating HIV wasting syndrome.

Those who supplement with Oxymetholone can expect to see their weight to increase dramatically; however, the extent will largely be dictated by the amount of food they are eating. Individuals who are following a good bulking diet can expect increases of 20lbs in a matter of weeks and even as high as 30lbs in the same time frame is not as rare as one might think. However, if the calories are not there to support such growth, such as in a caloric deficit all the Oxymetholone in the world will not provide such a massive gain.

Oxymetholone is further well-suited for providing an even buildup in strength, however this is more of a secondary characteristic as size itself is its primary role. Even so, the steroid does play an important role in both strength and size as it can provide an excellent synergetic effect when coupled with other anabolic steroids in a stack; as it should be, as it is not well-suited to be used alone. While these are the greatest benefits, increases in size and providing steroid synergy, Oxymetholone can be and surprising to many used successfully in a cutting cycle; normally in competitive bodybuilding circles. While Oxymetholone is often well-known for promoting water retention it can be largely controlled and many competitive bodybuilders utilize the properties of the steroid in the final weeks of their contest prep in order to give the physique a fuller look as the steroid responds well to carbohydrates and many are often ingested during this phase.

Anava- The Safest Steroids For A Harder, Leaner Body

Oxandrolone (brand names Oxandrin, Anavar, Lonavar, others), is a synthetic, orally active anabolic-androgenic steroid (AAS) that first became available as a prescription drug in the United States in 1964. It is a 17α-methylated derivative of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) that has an oxygen atom in place of

Oxandrolone is a very popular anabolic androgenic steroid and is considered to be one of the friendliest in terms of side effects. This is one of the few anabolic steroids that carry with it a high rate of success among women, so much so it’s often referred to as “The Girl Steroid.” But this is a title that’s a bit misleading as it is highly effective in men, it just happens to be one of the few women can use without major issues. Oxandrolone is also one of the most underappreciated anabolic steroids because of its mild nature, but the lack of appreciation some steroid users hold is due to a either ridiculous expectations or simply a purchase of a poor product. Oxandrolone is one of the most commonly counterfeited steroids to have ever existed.

Oxandrolone is used for promoting weight gain, in combination with other medicines, after weight loss due to major surgery, recurring infections, serious injury, or unknown reasons. It is also used to offset certain side effects of long-term steroid use (protein catabolism), or to relieve bone pain due to osteoarthritis. It may also be used for other conditions as determined by your doctor. Oxandrolone is an anabolic steroid. It works by helping the body to produce testosterone, which helps build muscle mass.


When Do We Start To Use Testosterone Therapy?

Testosterone is the primary male sex hormone and an anabolic steroid. In men, testosterone plays a key role in the development of male reproductive tissues such as the testis and prostate, as well as promoting secondary sexual characteristics such as increased muscle and bone mass, and the growth of body hair. In addition, testosterone is involved in health and well-being, and the prevention of osteoporosis. Insufficient levels of testosterone in men may lead to abnormalities including frailty and bone loss.

We can see that normal testosterone level plays an important role in men and abnormal testosterone level will cause a series of problems. Once you found your testosterone level is abnormal, you should attach importance to it because earlier detection, better treatment.

A man’s testosterone levels will typically peak somewhere between age 20 and 30. After this time, they will gradually decrease for the rest of his life. Testosterone levels are estimated to decrease by 1 percent annually after age 30 to 40. Therefore, lower testosterone levels are more common among older men. This explains some of the age-related changes in men, such as loss of muscle mass.

Testosterone therapy is usually given for one of two reasons. Some men suffer from a condition known as hypogonadism. If you have hypogonadism, your body doesn’t make enough testosterone. Testosterone is important. It plays a key role in the development and maintenance of male physical traits. Taking testosterone steroids is the most direct way to add testosterone content.

Testosterone levels start to decline in men after age 30, but the decline is gradual. That decrease in testosterone is the second reason a man may be given testosterone therapy. Some men want to make up for the lost muscle mass and sex drive that results from this natural decrease in testosterone.

The Benefits And Functions Of Oral Steroids

Of the many types of anabolic steroids there are many oral steroids we have to choose from and of the many oral steroids there are various traits, benefits and purposes. Although oral steroids serve a purpose, in general for most male anabolic steroid users they should not be the foundation in-which their use is built upon. Anabolic steroids shut down your natural testosterone production and due to this fact most cycles should be built around exogenous testosterone use. Yes, you can run cycles without testosterone and do so successfully but as a general rule of thumb testosterone should be your base.

When speaking of oral steroids one of the most common concerns is liver damage; unlike their injectable cousins, oral steroids are notorious for possessing a toxic liver effect. While this is true, in some cases it is a bit overstated; for example, alcohol is far more toxic to the liver than most any anabolic steroid, as are many over the counter medications, such as the many pain meds bought at your local pharmacy. Further, although there is a toxic effect from the use of oral steroids the liver possesses remarkable healing capabilities. Assuming you are not abusing your anabolic steroids, in most cases you’ll be problem free.

While the toxic effect of oral steroids is often exaggerated it’s still real and due to daily use we must be aware and responsible. For this reason among others, in general oral steroids should only be used for 6 to 8 weeks at a time; we can make an exception for mild anabolic steroids such as Anavar and push the time frame past this mark in certain cases but 6 to 8 weeks is a solid number to hold to.

It is also important to keep in mind oral steroids generally carry with them a much shorter half-life than the many injectable steroids; for this reason daily use is generally needed to receive the maximum benefit. Granted, you will still see a benefit from use if you miss a day here and there but proper use will be a daily dose, sometimes spread out over the entire day in small doses. Be sure to make a special note from the last sentence, “Small Doses” this is one of the many keys to successful and responsible anabolic steroid use, even more so when speaking of oral steroids.

While the benefits of oral steroids are many and there are many anabolic steroids that only come in oral form, there are also anabolic steroids available in both injectable and oral form; most notably anabolic steroids such as Winstrol or Primo are both commonly sold as both an injectable and oral steroids. While both versions of either of these anabolic steroids will produce results the user will notice far greater success from injectable Primo as in comparison to its oral counterpart. Conversely, both oral and injectable Winstrol will generally produce the same results, assuming the dose is kept the same; moreover, injectable le Winstrol can be taken orally as well; this is one of the few injectable steroids that possess this trait.

As is with all anabolic steroids, be they injectable steroids or oral steroids, the key to success is education and responsible use. Understand the substances you are taking understand their effects, both positive and negative and you’ll find yourself a much happier individual.